Stories From Our City | Rahab

Count Your Blessings

Rahab Ministry Counts Their Blessings

Johnson Oatman Jr's song "Count your Blessings" is an apt reminder about where our optimism and hope are to come from:

"When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done ..."

Indeed, counting blessings can be an intentional act that counteracts what can feel at times like a long and sometimes discouraging winter and Covid season.

Youth Unlimited's Rahab Ministry, which reaches out to women involved in the sex trade industry, had a number of blessings to count at year's end. Among them:
With their support, a young woman in their sex trade exit program was saved from homelessness, accepted Christ as her Saviour, and completed a job training program, leaving her with a more positive outlook towards the future.
Another woman with whom they worked secured a new full-time job and was able to continue working from home during the pandemic.
One young lady renewed her faith in Jesus and now reads the Bible every day and has been regularly attending online workship services.
The Rahab team assisted someone with the purchase of a blood pressure monitor, equipping her to take better care of her health.
All women in the Rahab exit program stayed safe and healthy during the pandemic, and none have returned to their previous lifestyles.
The team was able to sustain and support a number of single-parent families by providing for their practical needs.
They're successfully piloted a social media outreach to women in the sex trade, which will allow new ways in which to reach those who might benefit from their support.

We thank God for sustaining the health of our Rahab team, and for the addition of a new staff member and several interns, that have allowed their important ministry to continue!
